Monday, January 16, 2006

Embracing Darwin

Finally, we now have an Apple in the house with Mac OS X 10.4 code named "Tiger". The first time it booted, I tried looking for the terminal at once. Everything's all new and I haven't even popped up the entire hood. However, I may not have the luxury of time but what interests me most is whenever I click on the terminal, it reads "Welcome to Darwin!" and gives me a bash prompt. Another UNIX at my disposal...

But how do you change the hostname if you can't log in as root? First, activate the root user by issuing the command "sudo passwd root" at the terminal. If it's your first time to issue the "sudo" command, you'll be presented with warnings but nontheless it's your own system so why care? Just type in the password you used during installation of the system. Then you will be prompted to enter the new root password. Then just issue "hostname name-of-host-you want-to-set". It's that simple.

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