Thursday, November 18, 2004

My View of National Pride

I am not ashamed of being called a Filipino despite the fact that the country where I was raised is headed towards somewhere I don't know.

However, I don't feel the responsibility to contribute to the growth of a nation when that nation has the means but those who control its distribution lack the courage to share it to others outside their circles.

I believe that I have to provide my own basic needs first before I can provide for the basic needs of others. The basic needs are food, clothing, shelter (in that order). You can tell me "You can have food if you produce crops..." How I wish I can say what Mel Gibson said in the movie Braveheart "I came home to raise crops, and God willing -- a family. If I can live in peace I would." We are not in war where heroes are needed to lead an army and martyrs are slain so that in the end their names will be carved in stones and their memories will last for generations.

I will tell you now the hardest part. I am in a better position because I have used my God-given ability and because there was an open door waiting for me to come in. It's sad to say but that open door was not in the Philippines. I just hope that one day, I will be back. Then, I will not not only be an educator but a job generator -- to muster the power to raise the flag of my country once again.

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